Ah, what a sweet dream it is to talk about getting together as a family on those festive winter days, while lounging on a golden beach in Mauritius. Just imagine this idyllic moment, warm sand underfoot, bordering a lagoon with crystal-clear water at an almost tropical temperature of around 29ยฐC. A moment that will leave an indelible mark on your memory! It’s a dream so seductive, it’s no doubt crossed the minds of many a traveller across the worlds…
Tourism professionals, including hoteliers and airlines serving the little paradise that is Mauritius, are well aware of this trend. They’ve even dubbed this tourism season the ‘Prime’, which in jargon means the most expensive time of the year. On closer inspection, we can clearly distinguish two distinct intervals: one preceding and the other following New Year’ s Eve. The most expensive period, it has to be said, often corresponds to stays that extend beyond the last day of the year.
In general, several departure dates can be envisaged, but the majority of travelers prefer to head home 24 or 48 hours before the end of the school vacations, leaving the few flights during this period notoriously congested.
Nevertheless, there are a few tips to optimize the budget for your coveted Christmas vacations in Mauritius. So here are a few valuable tips to consider…
Make an advance booking
Our loyal, well-informed customers usually book their flights and hotels 6 to 8 months before their planned departure date. It’s a sure-fire way to ensure flight and hotel availability, but above all to take advantage of the most attractive air booking class rates.
Adjust your travel dates
We strongly recommend that you avoid leaving on New Year’s Day. If possible, spend Christmas in Mauritius and fly home by December 31 at the latest. Speaking of which, many of our customers who have spent New Year’s Eve in mid-air have expressed their wish to repeat this unusual experience!
An early start…
If your children are still young, it may be wise to “negotiate” with the school for an early departure 24 hours before the official start of the school vacations…
Shopping in Mauritius
There’s no doubt that the simple act of travelling is a wonderful gift in itself! To lighten the cost, we suggest you do your shopping locally: the Port Louis market, factory stores, model workshops and, of course, the thousand-flavored grocery stores… There are a multitude of shopping opportunities at very reasonable prices to be had on this island,Mauritius.